
Our intent, in each phase, is to deliver a communication curriculum that is tailored to meet each learner’s individual needs in a meaningful and age-appropriate way.

That all learners have opportunities to develop their skills of reading, writing, expressive and receptive communication. This will underpin the teaching of key life skills that are a pre-requisite for education, emotional and social progress.

By a process of active engagement, exploration and experiences, we can develop effective communicators leading to functional readers and writers.


Communication and reading are core skills, which are taught to all learners throughout the school day, feeding into all areas of our curriculum. Our daily routines are planned and centred on developing communication skills; therefore it is afforded enough time within our timetables in a variety of ways to ensure the building of vocabulary, skills and knowledge.

Learners access a range of communication methods to enable them to choose and develop their preferred form of communication, including the use of technology and symbols. They are exposed to a variety of language to develop their vocabulary.

Teaching is delivered not just through explicit literacy lessons but also by cross-curricular activities, continuous provision, daily routines, 1:1 and small group work, whole school immersive themed events, external provider visits and trips within the community. Learners have practical and enriching opportunities to enhance their learning, not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.

A range of teaching strategies are used to facilitate the teaching of communication including direction, demonstration, modelling, scaffolding, facilitating, explanation and discussion, questioning, guided exploration, investigations, listening/responding and evaluating. There is progression of skills and experiences across each phase of education.

Where possible Yeoman Park Academy follows the RWI scheme for the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics; this can be adapted to meet the needs of our learners.


All learners will be supported and equipped to become resilient and effective communicators, with the means to make choices and express their opinions, wants and needs.

For all learners to be able to use the skills they have developed and learnt with regards to reading, writing and communication, to access the world in which they live in.

Each learner will make measurable progress within their communication and reading skills to prepare them to become contributing members of society. Learners are prepared for the next phase of their education or adulthood.

View the long-term plans and reading pathway below:

01. My communication long term plan year A

02. My communication long term plan year B

03. My communication long term plan year C

04. My communication long term plan year D