
Our intent is to foster curious, independent and resilient learners who can problem solve in everyday life and generalise the skills they have learned into adulthood.

That all learners have opportunities to develop their skills within maths, science and computing. This will underpin the teaching of key life skills that are a pre-requisite for educational, emotional and social progression.

By a process of active engagement, exploration and experiences, we can develop the cognitive skills of exploring, investigating, questioning and problem solving through mathematic, scientific and technological concepts.


We provide learners with practical, experimental and meaningful tasks to enable them to develop skills that can be generalised for real life problem solving. Throughout the school day, learners have opportunities to explore and solve problems with reducing adult interventions.

Many of our learners access this area of our curriculum through continuous provision and sensory activities, exposing them to experimenting through play and exploring number, pattern, sequence, quantity, matching and sorting. This builds a secure foundation for learners who are then ready to apply these skills into real-life application problem solving activities through cross-curricular activities and discrete sessions of maths, science and computing, where appropriate.

Learners are provided with opportunities to apply their problem solving techniques to real-world situations through community visits in our local area.


All learners will be able to use, apply and generalise their skills to enable them to function with the maximum level of independence.

Learners will have the ability to reach out, explore and comprehend their immediate and wider world.

For all learners to be able to use the problem solving skills they have developed, to access the world in which they live in.

View the long term plans below:

Computing long term plan

Maths long term plan

Science long term plan