
Our intent is for every learner to develop life experiences to extend their understanding beyond that which is immediately apparent. Learners will engage with the world, objects and people through immersive activities to develop their curiosity of the world around them.

The aim of the world about me curriculum is to broaden learners’ knowledge and understanding of the world about them; their local environment; their wider environment; their own cultures and religions; and different cultures and religions.

At Yeoman Park, we aim to ensure that all learners have engaging, exciting and motivating opportunities that can greatly enhance their learning not only academically but also socially and emotionally. This will include facilitating opportunities to access places of worship, historical settings and the local community in line with the SEND and inclusion policies.


Within this strand of the curriculum, we approach the teaching and learning in a variety of ways. Most of the learning within this area, is delivered through whole school immersive theme days which take place every Friday and with links to other areas of the curriculum, focusing on using our thematic cycle to enhance and support these curriculum areas. Some learners, where appropriate, will access this area of the curriculum through discrete subjects but with a continued focus on the holistic approaching that still teaches key life skills alongside the knowledge and understanding.

We foster an interest in the topic/theme by the delivery of the teaching that must engage their curiosity. This is done through creative approaches to give learners the experience as close to the real thing as possible. Learners are given time, and opportunities for repetition of activities and skills, to develop their understanding and awareness of the world.

At Yeoman Park, we provide regular opportunities to access this strand, through our daily routines, experiences and sessions that include cultural cooking, role play, drama, local visits to the community. When out in the community, all educational visits have a clear aim and objective.


All learners will be provided with practical and enriching opportunities to enhance their learning academically, socially and emotionally. Learners will develop their cultural awareness as they progress through the school to prepare them for life beyond Yeoman Park.

Learners will have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them and engage in enriching life experiences of who they are, where they come from and the communities, they are part of.

For all learners to increase their resilience and their ability to access and cope with life outside of Yeoman Park and in the future when transitioning into adulthood.

View the long term plans below:
History and geography long term plan

MFL French long term plan