Welcome to class 13 – class teacher, Amy Metters-McIntyre
Students in class 13 are semi-formal/formal learners in key stage 4/5 and follow the Preparing for Adulthood Programme.
We follow the semi-formal/formal learning pathway, which means that we are learning about all the areas in the Equals Curriculum but incorporating careers, life skills such as First Aid and exploring the community/ providers as part of the Pathfinders Group. Our class in based on our Manor site, which accommodates five secondary and Post 16 classes.
Students are assessed through progression steps and Steps 4 Life in B Squared as well as working towards core skills or their Diploma in AIM Awards allowing them to demonstrate and build on the skills that they have learnt throughout their school careers. Students are very sociable and love to work together to complete tasks as part of a larger community.
We have our pathfinders group formed by students who are in their final year at Yeoman Park. All students are supported to choose or give their opinions on where they would like to go when they finish at Yeoman Park Academy aged 18. Our pathfinders partner organisations include ROB (Recycling Ollerton Boughton), Landmarks College, West Nott’s College, Portland College, Sam’s Place Café, The Adventure Services, REACH and many more.
Students will also engage in careers lessons that focus on different careers, potential jobs, help identifying support within their community and where to find and access different services.
Pathfinders is a great way for our students to start the transition process and to explore the wider community in a safe environment with trusted adults. Students are able to experience different post school providers that they may not be able to access at home as well as being part of their transitioning process.
Students are given opportunities to immerse themselves in different activities linked to a range of jobs, attending virtually or through face-to-face learning in school. Class 13 students are supported to be as independent as possible by developing their skills in routines that you would see in typical households – hoovering, washing clothes, putting objects away, taking messages to other classes, sorting shopping for classes in school, collecting letters from the office, making their own snacks and drinks.
Students are encouraged to build resilience and are supported to communicate, exercise, socialise, self-regulate and develop a tolerance to others throughout the day during breaks, daily movement exercises, choosing time and in different lesson activates that requires paired or group learning – this is also a great way to self-regulate before learning takes place.
On a Friday afternoon class 13 joins other classes located in the Manor building for assembly – where they celebrate the achievements they have made in the week and share news for the following week.
In class, students have a phonics group that is supported to read/write and communicate through various activities as well as a dedicated morning for students to read books with support that is linked to their reading level.
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of basic First Aid through practical experiences and discussions around where first aid kits are located, what is inside a first aid kit, DR ABC, CPR (using Ann dolls), how to treat burns/bites and much more.