Welcome to class 3 – class teacher, Ann-Marie Connolly

Children in class 3 are a mixed group of pre-formal and semi-formal learners. This means that we are learning about all the areas of our school curriculum through practical hands-on lessons whilst still incorporating time to move, explore, and meet our sensory needs at the same time.

In class 3, we have a focus on the curriculum areas of my communication and my personal, social, and emotional development (PSED) through every aspect of the school day. We also have stand-alone lessons that focus on my thinking and problem solving, my creativity, and the world about me.

The academy day


The school day begins with children being met by a member of staff as they get off their school bus. They then put bags and coats on their pegs, put lunch boxes and diaries in the box and spend some time regulating and getting ready to learn outside in our play area.

Communication, social skills and developing tolerance to others is practiced during registration where there is ample opportunity to greet friends, share any news, check the weather and acknowledge the timetable for the day.

Once morning registration is complete it is time for some reading and a morning snack (breakfast items like juice, bagels, cereals, fruit or toast).

During this time we have a focus on communication to ask for items and encourage independence allowing the learners to spread butter on their own toast/bagels. After snack, we head outside for free play giving opportunities to develop social skills and make friends within the play environment.

The main morning lesson comes after play time. This varies day to day and is generally topic based following the school’s theme for the term. All children have individual targets to meet during these lessons and we love to share and show off our work with to our friends.

After the morning lesson it is time for dinner. Children can have a packed lunch brought in from home or choose from the school lunch options. After lunch, we have our main play time on the big playground. This is when we mix with another class to play together which allows for great social development and communication between peers. We have access to the swing, climbing frame and the ‘bike shed’ during this time helping to improve gross motor skills and sensory modulation.


After playtime, we come back into class for 15 minutes of quiet time, reading and relaxation. Quiet time provides a calming environment with visuals and sensory fiddles to help prepare pupils for learning again. Once quiet time is finished, it is time for our afternoon lesson. Our afternoon lessons are often more practical, hands on, and messy lessons as we can get tired towards the end of the day. Some of our favourites are art, cooking and body awareness.

After the lesson we share our good work with the class and head outside for another short playtime. We normally come back inside around 2.15ish to have a light afternoon snack (biscuits/crisps) and have some music songs on the whiteboard whilst we wait for our buses.

Assemblies and star of the week

We join in the main assemblies on Monday mornings, where we share our school prayer, weekend news and Friday afternoons, where we celebrate our star of the week and learn about different themed days.