Welcome to class 5 – class teacher, Alisha Wilmot

Students in class 5 are in key stages 3 – 5.

The academy day

In our curriculum, we learn about all the areas in the Equals Curriculum whilst incorporating time to move, explore and learn to meet the sensory and physical needs of the students.

Our older students are working towards their AIM awards. This is a qualification that we work towards so students are able to leave with a core skills certificate.

A typical day starts with students being met by a member of staff as they get off the minibus. After coats, bags and any visits to the toilet are sorted students start getting ready to learn with transfers to school chairs or standing frames.

Students access sensory materials matching the colour of the day waiting for them whilst the rest of the class arrives. Communication, social skills and the developing tolerance of others are developed through registration where students greet their friends and share any news.

The students then have a snack and a drink of their choice. This is a great time for students to practise their independence skills such as using cutlery and choosing through symbols.

The first lesson of the day follows themed work which gives students context for their learning helping them to remember and demonstrate skills. All students have individual targets to meet during the lessons which are based on their EHCP. Morning lessons range from sensory story, cooking or music.

Students have lunch in the classroom. They sit together, this promotes social interaction through conversations between both staff and students. Lunchtimes are a key time for students to practise independence skills such as cup holding or helping to wipe their faces!

Students focus on fine motor skills work and literacy in the morning so that they can do more sensory and relaxed sessions in the afternoon such as massage and body awareness. When students have finished their work they have time to relax ready for their transfers or take care of any personal care as they wait for buses.

At the end of each day, students take their school diaries home which helps tell parents/carers what they’ve been up to and inform them of anything they need to be aware of.

Class 5 joins in the main assemblies on Monday mornings, where they share the school prayer, and learn about the theme of the week. On Friday afternoons, the academy celebrates the star of the week from each class!