Welcome to class 1 – class teacher, Vicky Cheffings

The children in class 1 are a group of pre-formal learners in key stage 1 and key stage 2.

In class 1, we follow provide a multi-sensory approach to our curriculum delivery, using our whole school topic as a focus point. We learn about the different areas of the curriculum through play, sensory exploration and hands-on learning. Children are encouraged to independently explore sensory objects and textures to help them make sense and have a deeper understanding of the world they live in. We encourage children to make choices and communicate their likes and dislikes.

The classroom environment varies throughout the day, based on the needs of the children and the activities which are taking place. Some elements of the day require loud, up-beat music and play provision, whereas other elements of the day require calming music with lower lighting to support sensory regulation.

The academy day


Our day begins with children arriving at school where they are greeted by a member of staff and supported to their classroom. Once in class, each child is supported with preparing for the school day and their personal care routines.

Therapy forms an important part of a typical day in our classroom. Children have their own physiotherapy programmes which include occupational therapy and a movement programme. When all children are ready, we have our good morning hello session which involves communicating, using the child’s preferred form of communication, with our peers and staff in class, as well as looking at the visual timetable for our school day.

Children are then provided with the opportunity to have a snack and drink followed by time to play. This time encourages children to work on their individual targets linked to independence, social development, and communication. Following this, we have our first lesson of the day which all children participate.


We have our lunch in the classroom, followed by play and personal care, including brushing teeth and physiotherapy.

We then have our second lesson of the day. The lessons we have in class 1 include PE, story, art/DT, discovery, food play, move write draw, Body awareness, attention autism, the world about me and on Friday’s we have our whole school theme days where we have opportunities to interact with other classes across school linked to special events. In addition to this, we have an assembly on Monday morning, which links to our cultural calendar and special events, and on Friday afternoon we have our Star of the Week assembly. At the end of the day, children are supported by staff to prepare for home time.