Welcome to class 9 – class teacher, Nicola Foster

Students in class 9 are pre/semi-formal learners. We follow individual learning plans based on the Equals Curriculum. Our students have a rigid work/break routine that helps support them. Symbol strips, timers and clear direction supports their day. Their workrooms are low stimulus and walls are a warm neutral colour.

The academy day


The day starts with most of our students travelling to school on individualised transport. This supports students and their families.

On arrival at school, students are met by familiar adults and then have time in class to listen to relaxing music, make their own drink and breakfast (with support where needed) and complete a hands on morning activity whilst the adults chat to them and support their learning. This time allows our students to settle into the school day and the adults to judge how they are feeling that morning,

After registration and morning hello to one another we start our first lesson. Although our students are capable of completing more formal work and learning, we try to do as much as possible with a physical, hands on approach and always make lessons as fun and engaging as possible.

Following this lesson, it is break time outside where students are encouraged to interact with their peers, class staff and play equipment. Some however, prefer to have this time alone. This 15 minute break outside, along with the short relax session after where everyone sits quietly and engages in a sensory activity alone or through a massage from staff, gives them the chance to decompress ready for the second lesson.

Lunch time

Before eating their lunch, everyone has another short break outside before coming in and getting their school or packed lunch. Everyone having a school meal is encouraged to collect it independently, saying what they would and wouldn’t like on their plates. We then sit in the classroom to eat and chat like a family around the dinner table. This is an important time of interaction and friendship building.

Afternoon and home time

Our afternoons run much the same as the morning. We have a relax session first then the third and final lesson of the day. After the lesson, we have choosing time, snack and a relaxation of the days learning before preparing to go home.

We communicate by home-school diaries and can report on what has done during the day and to pass on any messages.

Class curriculum newsletter

Class 9 curriculum newsletter