Welcome to class 4 – class teacher, Rosanna Sadler

Children in class 4 are a group of pre-formal and semi-formal learners in key stage 2.

Class 4 follows the Equals Curriculum, this means we focus on the core curriculum areas of my communication, my personal, social, and emotional development (PSED), my thinking and problem solving as well as my creativity and the world about me..

The academy day


A day in Class 4 starts by being greeted by a member of staff as the children get off the mini-bus. They then enter the classroom and work on their independence skills by finding their coat pegs, hanging up their belongings and handing over their home/school diaries.

The children then get ready to learn by engaging in gross motor and sensory diet activities in our indoor play area. This may be bouncing on the trampette, rolling on the peanut ball, or relaxing under a weighted blanket. This also includes having a change of position or physiotherapy input (for example: standing in standing frames, footwear changes and passive movements). There are activities on the tables for children to work towards their individual learning plan targets.

To help prepare children for the day ahead, we review our visual timetable which helps structure our day and take part in our morning hello session. This focuses on developing communication, turn-taking and social interaction skills by encouraging the children to say good morning to each other and recognising classmates. Through songs, we learn about the days, months, and weather and work on numeracy skills by counting classmates.

Snack is a time to focus on communication and PSED targets by learning to make requests for food through the child’s chosen form of communication and participating in sitting and eating together as a group. Following snack, children engage in personal care routines, improving their self-help skills. Outdoor play provides opportunities for developing turn-taking and sharing toys with classmates as well as time for fresh air and a physical movement break.

Our morning lesson typically includes engaging songs, hands-on sensory and exploratory activities as well as early literacy and numeracy skills lessons. Physical education class is on Tuesday mornings where we participate in a variety of activities adapted to each child’s capabilities.

All children have individual targets to meet, with achievements celebrated through lots of smiles, cheers, and verbal praise. Our singing session follows lesson time where children develop communication by using a symbol choice board, signing or verbally request their favourite topic-based song.

Lunch time

For lunch, we sit as a class. Children expand their food experiences by trying school dinners and have packed lunches filled with their favourite food. Lunchtime is followed by play and personal care time.
During lunch playtime, children can explore the outdoor learning environment. They focus on developing and expanding their play with choices of toys, bikes, or climbing frame.


After playtime, it is time for our afternoon hello session, which starts with ‘Good afternoon’ song. Our afternoon lesson typically is a creative session, art, cooking, or discovery. We are then ready for snack, followed by a movement break inside or outside.

Our day finishes with our reading session with a focus on letter sounds and early reading, and then reflection with quiet sensory music and lights.

Home time

All children are supported with transfers from their class equipment into their home chairs, their belongings are all put together and they are supported onto the bus home.

Assemblies and star of the week

We join in the main assemblies on Monday mornings, where we share our school prayer, weekend news and Friday afternoons, where we celebrate our star of the week and learn about different themed days.

Class curriculum newsletter

Class 4 curriculum newsletter