Updated 27 August 2020
We are now very much looking forward to September when we can welcome all children back to school.
Please see the latest update information for parents/carers below:
Re-opening update 27 August 2020
July 2020 update
What will re-opening in September look like?
Over the course of the last week, we have carried out a new risk assessment based on the guidance released by the government, ahead of the planned re-opening of the academy to all pupils in September. This risk assessment has now been approved in principle by our Board of Trustees, however it is subject to a further audit in August. This second step is necessary to ensure we take into account any changes to our circumstances, new or updated government guidance or any localised infection control measures required in response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
We will be in touch in the last week of holidays to confirm any remaining details however the following is an overview of what that will mean for your child(ren):
- There is an expectation that all students will be back on Wednesday 2 September 2020
- We have organised staggered starts and ends of the day to minimise congestion.
- Please ensure your children maintain social distancing outside of school and only mix with other families according to government guidance.
- Pupils will be organised in class bubbles linked to as few adults as possible. Class bubbles will not mix so playtimes will be staggered in separate areas and lunches will be eaten in classrooms.
- Please ensure that the number of personal items is limited to essential equipment – mobile phones are not permitted in school.
- Children will remain in their classroom for the majority of the school day – assemblies will take place virtually. We will ensure that children have sufficient breaks and plenty of time outside.
- It is essential that we minimise the adults in the school building; please do not enter the academy. If you need to speak to a member of staff or need information, please contact the office by telephone or email so that we can make arrangements or use Dojo.
- We have established thorough hygiene measures including frequent cleaning throughout the school day. Children will be asked to wash / sanitise their hands regularly and to use the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ message by using a tissue or sneezing/coughing into their arm. Please help us to reinforce this at home.
- All children (other than Early Years) will have their own set of equipment for personal use. Equipment in Foundation will be thoroughly and regularly cleaned. We will send reading books home – these will be quarantined for 72 hours on return before re-use.
- Masks have not been recommended in the government guidance other than when social distancing is not possible to maintain or where support is provided to someone displaying symptoms. PPE is available for staff to use where necessary.
- We expect all children to attend from their start date in normal uniform. PPE is available for staff to use where risk assessments have identified this is appropriate.
- We will ask pupils to come in PE (joggers and trainers) kit on PE days to avoid changing – you will be notified of the day.
- Please ensure that if any child shows any respiratory symptoms, has a temperature to keep the child off school for 7 days and get a Covid test. Please talk to school before the child is due to return.
Across the academy posters will be displayed to help remind our pupils of the need for good hygiene, including washing our hands regularly – a message our staff will reiterate, but we would also welcome your support in reminding your child(ren) too. Over the summer we will be working to ensure there are multiple handwashing or hand-sanitising stations in place throughout the academy in support of this, ready for the start of term.
We understand that you may feel apprehensive about your child returning but please be reassured that children returning have been delighted to be back in school and have settled back in very well. We are here to support you to talk through any concerns you may have.
If you have any concerns or specific questions regarding your child’s return in September, please let us know via email at primary@dalp.org.uk or by phone on 01623 459540 (Yeoman Park). Please note that our response times over the summer break will be longer than usual, as we have limited staff cover during this time.
Free school meals during the summer holiday
As previously mentioned, the government has announced that those currently eligible and in receipt of the free school meals scheme will continue to receive this over the summer holiday. In line with this guidance, a single e-voucher from our supplier Sodexo will be provided to cover the period 20 July to 28 August 2020.
For parents/carers of pupils with medical needs and/or wheelchair users.
We have an extensive Risk Assessment related to the day to day operations.
Each class will operate as a ‘bubble’ and not interact with other ‘bubbles’ in school. If for any reason Covid symptoms were displayed by any student or staff, then the bubble would be closed down for 14 days.
So, for now, we wish you and your family a very restful, and importantly, a safe and healthy summer break – and we look forward to welcoming all our pupils back in September.