I trust that this message finds you and  your family well.

As we draw to the end of the Autumn Term and the year I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for bearing with us. I’m sure that I have no need to remind you of why it has been a difficult term and year, but the key thing is that we have all worked together to maintain the safety of the students, staff and their families.

A big thank you to:

  • All the parents and carers who have worked with the academy and followed the guidance. I appreciate how difficult this was at times.
  • All the classroom staff who have, at times been stretched in many different directions. You have continued to give your best to your classes and you are still smiling despite everything.
  • The administration team for handling all communications and working even at weekends to contact parents during lockdown.
  • The site managers and cleaning staff for ensuring that our environments are as safe as they can be.
  • Our governors for their continued support.

And the biggest thank you goes to:

  • All the children/pupils/students/young people for being so brilliant and coped so well with all the changes that have had to be put in place. Your resilience is truly amazing – well done!

A farewell to Pauline Corfield, we hope that you enjoy your new role before retiring at Easter.

I would like to finally wish you all the very best for the Christmas break and for a peaceful and safe new year.

Mr Hoop